
تفاصيل الشركة

Abraj Energy Service

محافظة مسقط السيب سلطنة عمان نفط وغاز وطاقه


سنوات العمل

100 - 500


وصف الشركة

braj Energy Services S.A.O.G (Abraj) is Oman’s integrated energy company. Established in 2006, Abraj has grown exponentially to become Oman’s leading drilling company with one of the youngest and most advanced drilling fleets in the GCC. The company has successfully diversified its service offerings in innovative drilling and well services operations and integrated project management services. Abraj benefits from long-term contracts with leading national and international exploration and production companies. Abraj has successfully leveraged years of experience and made targeted investments to deliver comprehensive engineering solutions to provide best-in-class services to a local and international client base. Abraj was the first MENA-based company to launch integrated fracking services, pioneering the development of unconventional deep tight gas wells. Abraj has forged a robust network of suppliers, enabling adoption of advanced technologies, at optimal cost, across its portfolio. Leveraging its talented workforce across activities, ensuring the highest levels of safety and efficiency across its operations.

مجالات التخصص التجارية
  • تعليم وتدريب
  • نفط وغاز واطاقه
مكافآت وفوائد الشركة
  • التدريب الوظيفي

  • التدريب على المهارات الشخصية